MRI intensity normalization

Intensity normalization of multi-channel MRI images using the method proposed by Nyul et al. 2000. In the original paper, the authors suggest a method where a set of standard histogram landmarks are learned from a set of MRI images. These landmarks are then used to equalize the histograms of the images to normalize. In both learning and transformation, the histograms are used to find the intensity landmarks.


Train the standard histogram:

To train the standard histogram, we just have to create a list of the input images to process. Optionally, we can also provide the brainmasks:

In [1]:
import os
import numpy as np
import nibabel as nib
from nyul import nyul_train_standard_scale
DATA_DIR = 'data_examples'
T1_name = 'T1.nii.gz'
MASK_name = 'brainmask.nii.gz'

# generate training scans
train_scans = [os.path.join(DATA_DIR, folder, T1_name)
               for folder in os.listdir(DATA_DIR)]
mask_scans = [os.path.join(DATA_DIR, folder, MASK_name)
              for folder in os.listdir(DATA_DIR)]

Then, the train the standard histogram. By default, the parameters are set as follows:

  • Minimum percentile to consider i_min=1
  • Maximum percentile to consider i_max=99
  • Minimum percentile on the standard histogram i_s_min=1
  • Maximum percentile on the standard histogram i_s_max=100
  • Middle percentile lower bound l_percentile=10
  • Middle percentile upped bound u_percentile=90
  • number of deciles step=10

In [2]:
standard_scale, perc = nyul_train_standard_scale(train_scans, mask_scans)

processing scan  data_examples/CC0358/T1.nii.gz
processing scan  data_examples/CC0357/T1.nii.gz
processing scan  data_examples/CC0006/T1.nii.gz
processing scan  data_examples/CC0356/T1.nii.gz
processing scan  data_examples/CC0140/T1.nii.gz
processing scan  data_examples/CC0139/T1.nii.gz
processing scan  data_examples/CC0002/T1.nii.gz
processing scan  data_examples/CC0001/T1.nii.gz
processing scan  data_examples/CC0226/T1.nii.gz
processing scan  data_examples/CC0228/T1.nii.gz

Save the standard histogram:

Save the histogram to apply it to unseen images afterwards:

In [3]:
standard_path = 'histograms/standard_test.npy', [standard_scale, perc])

Apply intensity normalization to new images:

Finally, the learned histogram can be applied to new images. Here, we just use the same images before and after normalization as an example.

In [5]:
from nyul import nyul_apply_standard_scale
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

image_1 = nib.load(train_scans[0]).get_data()
mask_1 = nib.load(mask_scans[0]).get_data()
image_1_norm = nyul_apply_standard_scale(image_1, standard_path, input_mask=mask_1)

fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, constrained_layout=True)
f1 = axs[0].hist(image_1.flatten(), bins=64, range=(-10,600))
f2 = axs[1].hist(image_1_norm.flatten(), bins=64, range=(-10,200))
axs[0].set_title('Image 1 Original')
axs[0].set_title('Image 1 Normalized')

Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Image 1 Normalized')